Berkshire Photos

Massachusetts, Berkshire County, New Hampshire, Vermont,

Maine, New York, Connecticut, & New England, U.S.A.

Jan & Christy Butler

"New Hampshire Destinations"

Newest Release

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Waterfalls, Glacial Erratic-Boulders, Points of Interest.

338 pages in 157+ Chapters- B&W or Color. Northern-White Mountains, Central and Southern

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"Berkshire Destinations"

"Connecticut Destinations"

Waterfalls, Glacial Erratics, Hikes, and Points of Interest


"Erratic Wandering"


A comprehensive book containing 94 of Connecticut's surprising, unique and splendid waterfalls. Written by Russell Dunn and photographed by Christy Butler. Order here through Amazon .

"Connecticut Waterfalls a Guide"

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